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Jensen's inequality

by , PhD

Jensens's inequality is a probabilistic inequality that concerns the expected value of convex and concave transformations of a random variable.

Table of Contents

Convex and concave functions

Jensen's inequality applies to convex and concave functions.

Property of convex and concave function that is needed to understand Jensen's inequalities.

The properties of these functions that are relevant for understanding the proof of the inequality are:

Also remember that a differentiable function is:


The following is a formal statement of the inequality.

Proposition Let X be an integrable random variable. Let [eq1] be a convex function such that[eq2]is also integrable. Then, the following inequality, called Jensen's inequality, holds:[eq3]


A function $g$ is convex if, for any point $x_{0}$ the graph of $g$ lies entirely above its tangent at the point $x_{0}$:[eq4]where $b$ is the slope of the tangent. Setting $x=X$ and [eq5], the inequality becomes[eq6]By taking the expected value of both sides of the inequality and using the fact that the expected value operator preserves inequalities, we obtain[eq7]

If the function $g$ is strictly convex and X is not almost surely constant, then we have a strict inequality:[eq8]


A function $g$ is strictly convex if, for any point $x_{0}$ the graph of $g$ lies entirely above its tangent at the point $x_{0}$ (and strictly so for points different from $x_{0}$):[eq9]where $b$ is the slope of the tangent. Setting $x=X$ and [eq5], the inequality becomes[eq11]and, of course, [eq12] when [eq13]. Taking the expected value of both sides of the inequality and using the fact that the expected value operator preserves inequalities, we obtain[eq14]where the first inequality is strict because we have assumed that X is not almost surely constant and therefore the event[eq15]does not have probability 1.

If the function $g$ is concave, then[eq16]


If $g$ is concave, then $-g$ is convex and by Jensen's inequality:[eq17]Multiplying both sides by $-1,$ and using the linearity of the expected value we obtain the result.

If the function $g$ is strictly concave and X is not almost surely constant, then[eq18]


Similar to previous proof.


Suppose that a strictly positive random variable X has expected value[eq19]and it is not constant with probability one.

What can we say about the expected value of [eq20], by using Jensen's inequality?

The natural logarithm is a strictly concave function because its second derivative[eq21]is strictly negative on its domain of definition.

As a consequence, by Jensen's inequality, we have[eq22]

Therefore, [eq20] has a strictly negative expected value.

Important applications

Jensen's inequality has many applications in statistics. Two important ones are in the proofs of:

Other inequalities

If you like this page, StatLect has other pages on probabilistic inequalities:

Solved exercises

Below you can find some exercises with explained solutions.

Exercise 1

Let X be a random variable having finite mean and variance $sigma ^{2}>0$.

Use Jensen's inequality to find a bound on the expected value of $X^{2}$.


The function we need to study is[eq24]It has first derivative[eq25]and second derivative[eq26]The second derivative is strictly positive on the domain of definition of the function. Therefore, the function is strictly convex. Furthermore, X is not almost surely constant because it has strictly positive variance. Hence, by Jensen's inequality:[eq27]Thus, the bound is[eq28]

Exercise 2

Let X be a positive integrable random variable.

Find a bound on the mean of $sqrt{X}$.


The function we need to study is[eq29]It has first derivative[eq30]and second derivative[eq31]The second derivative is negative on the domain of definition of the function. Therefore, the function is concave and Jensen's inequality gives:[eq32]Thus, the bound is[eq33]

How to cite

Please cite as:

Taboga, Marco (2021). "Jensen's inequality", Lectures on probability theory and mathematical statistics. Kindle Direct Publishing. Online appendix.

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